2021: Intermedia-globe Gold Award 360 degrees Sylt – Island in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site
2021: Intermedia-globe Silver Award
TK RescueMe VR• Erste-Hilfe Training in VR für die Techniker Krankenkasse
2021: Intermedia-globe Silver Award
VR EUROPE – Let´s vote!• Bildungs-politische 360° App für Jugendliche
2020: Fulldome Festival Jena
Nominating “The mysterious treasure chest in the wadden sea” in the category “Short films”
2015: Immersive Film Festival Espinho, Portugal
Nominating for the Fulldome Film „UM MENINO“
2015: Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de La Plata, Argentina:
Nominating for the Fulldome Film „UM MENINO“
2014: Fulldome Festival UK, Leicester
Nominating for the Fulldome Film „UM MENINO“
2014: Fulldome Festival Jena
Performance Award for „UM MENINO”
2014: Brussels Shortfilm Festival
„Boca e lobo”, chosen as: „Best of German student short films“
2013: LIONEL Designpreis
2. Place Design Award for „Los Nadies”
2013: Fish-Film Festival Rostock
nominating as best Shortfilm for „Los Nadies”
VR SPECIALIST I FILMMAKER I IMMERSIVE MEDIA EXPERTAs long-term specialist for immersive media I produce 360° and VR experiences for renowned customers like the European Union, Deutsche Telekom, arte, Techniker Krankenkasse or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in the various fields of application are education, healthcare, entertainment and politics.
I am experienced in building up, implementing and leading VR departments for big companies like the international operating TV and film production company TVN GROUP.
Many of the projects were internationally nominated and awarded. As an expert for immersive storytelling and 360° film production I join international leading VR and media events as speaker or jury member.
I always loved immersive media - during my studies of Art History and Communication Design at the Brunswick University of Art, I focused on 2D and 3D animated movies and 360° film production. My master thesis was an international 360° Fulldome Film, combined with live action. The co-production has been nominated and awarded several times and is now running at several international planetariums of New York, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Wolfsburg, Leicester and Espinho.